More time travel to the earliest days of recorded sound with James Errington, this time joined by Cambridge 105’s own Dave Hammond. This time we go back to 1909 to hear novelty songs about moon-orbiting aeroplanes and juvenile smoking, wildly unpredictable vaudeville routines, “authentic” black music from the deep south played by a former plantation owner, and, not to be missed, the theme tune from the snooker.
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I expect someone’s already let you know this, but the clarinetist you have in this episode is playing the Clarinet Concertino in E-flat, composed by Karl Maria von Weber in 1811. It is one of the most popular standard pieces of classical clarinet repertoire and exactly the sort of thing that someone wanting to show off their virtuosity on the instrument would choose to record. “Concertino” in this case means a short concerto (soloist vs orchestra piece) rather than a small concert.